About us

Shared values

Our shared values support Artorius' ambitions to
limit our environmental impact and support our
local communities and services.

Environment Philanthropy

Shared values


We have been developing an approach as a responsible business to contribute towards UK and global efforts to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Our approach has two elements:

  • Having measured our corporate carbon footprint in 2022, we feel better informed about the steps we need to take to reduce and rebalance our impact on the environment. Since then, we have continued to rebalance our our emissions annually with verified carbon credits* based on the initial measurement, whilst also considering any fluctuations in the business data.

  • We have also taken the innovative step of offering our clients, the opportunity to see data on the carbon footprint of their individual portfolios and each security within those portfolios, including a comparison to average emissions for that sector. This is achieved through our partnership with Sugi. We believe that providing clients with transparent data allows them to discuss options for managing their own carbon footprint, with their Client Partner.


Our results

We completed a data form and were assessed by a third party to capture activity data for each
office location


63.9 GHG

Our total emissions for our offices for the period starting 1st Jan – 31st Dec 2022 (tCO2e)

1.14 Tonnes

Emissions per employee

Scope 3

Our highest emissions. These come from electricity transmission and distribution losses, waste, business travel, staff commuting and home working (circa 83%).


Of Scope 2 market-based emissions come from the generation of purchased electricity


Of Scope 1 direct emissions from gas combustion account for the remaining

Our results

Our offices are located in London, Manchester and Yorkshire. GHG emission factors relating to the 2022 calendar year are applied from the UK Government’s Conversion Factors for Company Reporting (2022). In addition, for market-based electricity consumption, the emissions factor relating to 2021 were sourced from Association of Issuing Bodies (2021).

Emission Results

Offsetting our remaining emissions

*We have been rebalancing our annual emissions with verified carbon credits, via our partner Sugi. These credits originate from our chosen project in the rainforests of Tambopata-Bahuaja, in the Peruvian Amazon, supporting forest protection and restoration, important biodiversity and local communities.

The Tambopata-Bahuaja Biodiversity Reserve conserves threatened tropical rainforest in an internationally recognised biodiversity hotspot of the Peruvian Amazon. The lush forests provide habitat for a wide variety of rare and endangered wildlife. The project integrates conservation and sustainable economic development to protect 591,119 hectares of forest (an area about the size of Los Angeles). By helping local farmers transition to sustainable cacao production in the margins of the protected area, degraded land is being restored to relieve deforestation pressures and provide local communities with forest-friendly and sustainable livelihoods. The project is part of the Althelia Climate Fund and implemented in partnership with AIDER, a local Peruvian NGO.

forest image

Our carbon client service

Perhaps more important than efforts to reduce and offset our own remaining emissions, we offer our clients the opportunity to see the carbon data of their investment portfolios with user-friendly software from our partner Sugi.

Many clients want their savings to be more aligned with the long-term goals of the net zero transition. Our approach is designed to be flexible as we do not believe that simply divesting from carbon-intensive companies or investing in products labelled ESG can be risky from a financial return perspective and ineffective from an environmental perspective. Read more on Low-carbon Investing in challenging market conditions.

Hence, we also offer via Sugi, the opportunity for clients to offset the emissions associated with their investments and to discuss their portfolio carbon footprint in the context of broader philanthropic actions.

carbon client service

Shared values


At Artorius, philanthropy is viewed as part of the company culture and we have always encouraged socially responsible behaviours. However, we believe that bringing resources together and aiming in one unified direction can have the most powerful and beneficial impact. In January 2023 colleagues at Artorius voted from a shortlist of charities that aligned the best with our environmental and community objectives, with Greater Manchester Mayor’s Charity coming on top. In the midst of the cost-of-living crisis, homelessness was recognised as one of the most pressing problems.

As a Manchester headquartered business, we are proud to be partnering with a local charity that is delivering pioneering work in tackling homelessness


Our partnership 

Part of the company’s culture

GMM Charity

The charity is playing a big role in reducing rough sleeping, but the growing area of focus is targeted prevention to ensure that the experience of homelessness is rare, brief and non-recurrent.

Established in 2018, Greater Manchester Mayor’s Charity is an independent organisation steered by a board of skilled trustees and run by a small, dynamic team. Greater Manchester Mayor’s Charity raises vital funds that can support critical work to support people experiencing homelessness and help stop homelessness before it becomes a reality.

The charity was the founding funder of the flagship ‘ A Bed Every Night’ programme, which provides emergency accommodation and wrap around support to people facing a night on the streets in Greater Manchester. Since 2019, it has funded over 78,700 nights accommodation. 

Given the increasing pressures and demand on services, we also recognise the value volunteering has. Greater Manchester Mayor’s Charity has been able to connect Artorius with a local organisation Lifeshare, which, as part of their varied projects, provides weekend breakfast to rough sleepers.Their mission has now become an integral element of Artorius culture and we are committed to raising funds through a series of fundraising events and supporting frontline organisation donating time & sharing other resources.

"Both Artorius and our employees are committed to helping organisations that are helping those less fortunate than us. Since 2019 we are delighted to be able to work with the Greater Manchester Mayors charity, who are dedicated to supporting people experiencing homelessness in Greater Manchester. As a Manchester Head Quartered business, Artorius employees voted to support this charity to make a change those who the most vulnerable in our community."

Ian Bennett Group Finance Director

Our results

Artorius achieves Diamond APGO Payroll Giving Quality Mark Award for commitment to Payroll Giving

The APGO Payroll Giving Quality Mark demonstrates an
organisation’s commitment to Payroll Giving and corporate social responsibility.

payroll giving diamon awards

"Payroll Giving in Action congratulates Artorius Wealth Management on achieving the APGO Diamond Quality Mark. Artorius Wealth Management has operated a successful payroll giving scheme that provides sustainable, long-term income for UK charities that help those most in need. Payroll Giving in Action is proud of the difference Artorius Wealth Management and its employees make and wish to thank all those involved."

Latoya Leles-Fernandes

Account Manager Executive